Workplace Violence

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Workplace ViolenceAs an employer, it can be one of the most unsettling experiences possible to hear that your business has experienced violence within, involving employees against one another. For most small- to medium-sized businesses, a poorly handled incident involving workplace violence can lead to dangerously costly litigation and outcomes that put their very existence at risk.

Even large organizations are often guilty of carelessness when it comes to workplace violence. Frequently, for instance, investigations are mandatory; businesses get into legal trouble by neglecting to investigate at all.

If you don’t have a great deal of experience investigating and dealing with workplace violence, you need to bring professionals in who do.

Why you need the professionals at Accurate Investigations

In-house workplace violence investigations fail all the time — responsibility for such investigations is usually handed over to the head of human resources, who simply doesn’t have the training necessary. The head may not reach out to the aggrieved employee as early as possible to calm tensions down; his investigation may be a biased one and he may fail to document key pieces of information, maintain confidentiality or to resolve contradictory statements. Often the accused is not given the opportunity to respond.

These mistakes would happen to anyone without experience inworkplace violence investigations. Everything changes, though, once you bring the professionals at Accurate Investigations in. We offer you the involved guidance that your business deserves and then take over.

Here’s what we do for you

At Accurate Investigations, we make sure that your company gets all sides of the story so that you are seen as having your heart in the right place. We frame the questions in an open-ended way so that no one in court accuses you of biased questioning. We maintain discretion, preserve evidence, bring in technical experts for consultations, make sure that every interview with the accused and the complainant is done with a neutral third-party witness present, report problems to the police as legally necessary and suggest moving the complainant to a different job within the company to ensure a stress-free work experience.

Missing even one of these steps can result in an employer losing his case and his company. Calling in a professional workplace violence investigator is important. In the Atlanta area, we at Accurate investigations offer you the professional assistance you need.